Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sisters are a Girls Best Friend

When Samantha was born, I couldn't believe how much love I had in my heart for her. 

Then, 3 years later, Miss E was born. 
Now, seeing how loving Sam is towards her sister and how many pictures she has taken of her, I think now is an amazing time to share one Sam's best friends, her sister!
Here's to hoping that this friendship lasts a life time! 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pardon the Reno...

Well, it's been a while since I've posted miss Snapshot Sammy's artistic visions and let me share with you why.

Firstly, trying to pry the camera out of her hands so I can download them to my computer has been near impossible. In fact, she now hides her camera from me so I can't take it!

Secondly, we've been in a crazy DIY kitchen update reno! Thankfully, Sammy was there to show the process!
It's interesting going through her pictures and seeing how she sees everything.
Things seem so her pictures! 
Though I guess her 3 year old point of view is much lower than the average photographer.
Well, there is still a lot more to share! 
But here's our beautiful kitchen all done and ready for cooking